Helen Hardy

Helen Hardy grew up in and around Port Lincoln, South Australia, surrounded by
hard-working and artistic people.
She has always been an energetic, imaginative maker and has been inspired by her talented mother and grandparents, among others. Her long fascination for glass blowing and blacksmithing was, unbeknownst to her, preceded by her great-grandfather's illustrious smithing career.
Since childhood Helen has dabbled in sewing, hat making, costume and jewellery making, floristry, silk-screen printing, crochet…the list goes on… and she always dreamt of making a living from designing and creating things.
Her dream has been set on the back burner over the years, but her passion and motivation have been reignited and she is making her way back into creating as time and money affords. She loves meeting people and is always learning and finding inspiration
from their stories.
Helen has many irons in the fire and hopes to keep it burning.
She is excited to see where her creative journey will lead her next.